(there's no quiz)
The best qustion you can ask someone is, "are you happy?"
At least in my opinion.
Because the answer can be so....
Some may answer in a very matter-of-fact way. They may say, "no", depending on the moment because they're having a bad day. Some may say, "yes", because they that's what they should say. Or, because they think they have no pressing reason not to be. The way you know you're recieving a genuine answer from someone is if they stop to think about it. I believe this is the essential question of the human existence. If you answer this question with a no then why? Why aren't you doing something that makes you happy?
I ask myself if I'm happy daily, and for the days that I answer no I proceed to ask myself what I need to do to be happy.
Being happy is a verb, which means its an action, which means it can change. I think people see happiness as a state of being, like something they have to work for and once they recieve it, its stagnant. But that's not what happiness is. Happiness doesn't mean perfection. It means that through all else you've found a reason to be satisfied. It can last a moment, it can last a day, it can last a year, or it can last a lifetime.
I consider happiness an equilibrium. Whether I'm way down low in the dumps, or high up in the lands of delusional joy, I always want to return to my state of happiness. It's my default. I think everyone should be happy.
I also understand that life is ass, and that there are so many things obstructing the way to happiness for many people. But, like love, I think everyone should find happiness in something, and hold on to that. Then, find happiness in many other things. Just try to keep accumulating as much happiness as you can, like it's pokemon go.
So many people are unhappy, and it pains me because they have every reason not to be. But for those of us that have some type of control in our lives, whether it be the job you have, the degree your pursuing, the way you're spending your evenings, the way you view yourself, the people in your life, I beg you to make decisons that make you happy. Because who tf is gonna stop you? You're the only thing stopping you.
So all I have to ask is...are you happy?