I'm a simple woman I stan three things: The Sims, Hello Kitty, and Drake. Those three things have defined my childhood and teenagehood. I boast about my appreciation for these things so I am understandably always asked why I love these things so much--and yes I'm calling Drake a thing because technically the idea of Drake is a thing. I do not know Aubrey Graham the person I just know the person he has presented to the world which is Drake. That love is very conditional because stanning men is embarrassing, unlike my love for The Sims and Hello Kitty. Anyways, this post is going to be abut why I love the sims.
This will be short and sweet. The Sims presents the ability to enjoy the stress of adulthood without the shitty things that makes being alive dreadful. I can stress over unpaid bills or trying to get my sim a promotion without the loom of racism, class inequality, capitalism, climate change, homophobia, and genetics hanging over me. That was a lot. I mentioned genetics because I create my sims however I see fit, lol. You see adulthood can be fun. The stress that comes with it can be fun to navigate, but not if you have a bunch of other things wrong with society that makes being an adult and growing up depressing.
In my sims games, the American Dream is possible. If you work hard you can create a legacy from scratch. There is no racism creating unnecessary bias, nor is there systematic racial oppression that prevents people of color from accessing various opportunities. It is a utopia.
I play my sims games as realistically as possible. No occults like vampires, mermaids, and aliens. I do use money cheats but realistically! I match up the finances based on the careers my sims have, lmao. I can't help but think that I stick to this realistic gameplay because I won't be guaranteed the freedom to navigate my own life in the real world as freely as I do in game.
I love sims because it gives me an escape into a reality I wish I had access too. Of course there is drama, people cheat, die, lie, argue. But that's a part of human nature.
I'm currently doing a legacy challenge and I'm on the fifth generation. This is the farthest I've ever gotten with a legacy! I started playing in February of 2019, so two years of the Dreamer family (that's the family name, I didn't even do that on purpose my sims just married Dirk Dreamer from the Get Famous pack.) It's honestly an interesting family if I do say so myself; Dirk married my sim Cecelia who was a famous actress. They divorced after having one son and Cecelia later went on to get married two more times. I play a little different from other players because I don't choose one sim in each generation to carry on the legacy. I play with all my sims in one save and play with all members of the family--if I lose interest in a specific member I set up at least their story and family if they chose to have on themselves. If I get bored with my legacy family I create a new sim/family unconnected to my legacy just to help fill the world up. Anyways, that's not important.
I play with mostly black sims and its fun to see them complete all these different careers and just birth families. I'm so proud of my legacy family because its so unlike the family I have irl. I'm literally smiling while writing this because their family is so cute (with their own issues ofc) and I'm glad they belong to me. I'm gonna insert some pictures of my recent sims gameplay and family tree link (its not up to date).
I thank The Sims for making this game so much. It sounds delusional but the game truly brings me so much happiness. The most recent installment of the game, The Sims 4, is by no means perfect, it has issues with representation that they just recently fixed (barely) and many others to address like pronouns. However, the basic intentions of what makes the sims the sims is what draws me in and has kept me a loyal fan.
If you're ever interested in how the gameplay is going just click the family tree link. I may update it soon because a lot has happened with the fourth generation since. If you ever want get into sims there are tons of simmers on YouTube and Tumblr who play the various titles (1 through 4).